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Echinacea Complex

Concentrated Chinese herbal tea concentrate

Echinacea Complex strengthens your immune system while cleansing your body. Take this wonderful tasting herbal formula daily as a strong dose of protection during the cold and flu season. Green tea extract, with its high level of antioxidant and cancer fighting polyphenols, adds potency and cleansing to this synergistically balanced formula.

2 fl. oz., 60 servings
Retail $34.95 / Your Cost $26.21

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Echinacea Complex
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Ingredients: Echinacea, Green tea, Ginger, Lo Han Kuo.

Take this wonderful tasting herbal formula daily as a strong dose of protection during the cold and flu season. Long-term use of Echinacea alone may result in a dry cough. In the true Traditional Chinese Medicine tradition, Echinacea Plus balances this powerful immune builder with Ginger, which dispels cold from the lungs. Green tea extract, with its high level of antioxidants and cancer fighting polyphenols, adds potency and cleansing to this synergistically balanced formula.

Use For: Colds, Cold Sores, Coughs, Flu, Herpes, Immune System Boost, Sinusitis

Echinacea has long been recognized for improving the body's own resistance in infectious conditions of all kinds.

The Three Treasures: Jing, Shen, Qi describe three concepts of energy that underly the philosophy on which the "Three Treasures Teas" were developed.

The Three Treasures Teas: Sixteen formulas to balance and harmonize your body.