Enough cannot be said for the magnificence and resiliency of the human body. Even when assaulted by toxic poisons and chemicals, disease-producing microorganisms, metabolic waste by-products and nutritionally deficient foods, our body can muscle up the power of key guardians and put up a miraculous fight. Many times we are unaware of the continual "battle" that is taking place on our behalf. At other times, we are brought into the war zone with symptoms such as headaches, colds and flu, upset stomach, diarrhea, constipation, skin blemishes, jaundice, reduced concentration, poor memory and recall, fevers, reduced energy, chronic fatigue, and "tired blood."
Fortunately, most of these symptoms are only transient in nature and are easily overcome by the body's immune system, provided it is not compromised by our lack of mental and physical support.
Every second of every day, millions of processes are occurring in perfect concert to bring about a seemingly miraculous state of well-being scientifically referred to as homeostasis. In most cases, these internal adjustments are so minuscule and so rapid that we are not remotely aware of them.
Because of this built-in, automatic "guardian system," we usually go about enjoying life without a single thought on what is actually occurring. When we feel good, our "guardian system" seems to ask very little of us. However, when we suddenly feel "not up to par," recognize this as the body actively reaching out for help as it strives to reestablish its internal homeostasis.
In order to enjoy exceptional health, we must support the "guardian system." Wemust become sensitive to the homeostatic processes of cleansing, balancing, detoxifying, and regenerating. We can begin to achieve this by maintaining a positive mental state. Positive thoughts and affirmations, feeling loved, being involved and believing you are making a difference, sharing your thoughts and ideas with others, and exercising the physical body all add to our state of well-being.
In addition, we can make sure that we meet our nutritional needs so our "guardian system" has the resources to carry out all homeostasis activities. We do this by consuming the particular foods that feed our "guardian" organs. Let's look at some of the food elements that are known to best support our "guardian system."
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Guardian Greens Guardian Greens is a powerful blood and brain food with phyto-nutrients targeted toward support of the immune system and its associated internal organs including, the brain, liver, kidneys, spleen, gall bladder, stomach and intestinal tract, pancreas, blood, and nerves. |
Spirulina is a microscopic blue-green marine algae that is considered by many to be the most concentrated, nutritious whole food available to man. Ounce for ounce, spirulina has more protein than any other food, and this protein has an amino acid profile that most closely resembles that of a healthy human cell. Spirulina also is the food highest in naturally assimilable iron (10 grams of spirulina provides approximately 15 mg. of iron), a requirement for healthy red blood cells.
Spirulina is also very high in beta-carotene and chlorophyll, making it one of the most sought after superfoods in the world. Spirulina is easy to digest because its cell wall contains no cellulose. This makes spirulina an especially valuable food for convalescents, the malnourished, and (elderly) people with compromised digestion.
Deficiencies in vitamin A and iron, which can lead to blindness and iron anemia respectively, are two of the most common malnutrition problems worldwide today. Regular use of spirulina based products can help reduce the risk of either of these diseases from ever occurring.
Spirulina is a very environmentally-friendly superfood. Grown in water, spirulina requires no soil, no herbicides, and no pesticides in its cultivation. (IMPORTANT NOTE: I advocate the use of only controlled cultured algae. Wildcrafted algae are likely to contain toxic species and traces of agricultural pesticides, herbicides, and heavy metals.)
Spirulina supplies a rich source of enzymes, RNA, DNA, sulfolipids, glycogen, and other potentially important nutrients.
Chlorella is a nutritious microalgae, high in protein, chlorophyllins, and antioxidants. Chlorella is rich in the minerals calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, and iodine as well as nicotinic, pantothenic, and folic acids. Unlike many drugs and medicines, chlorella has no adverse side effects, and it is not a stimulant or depressant. Chlorella fuels the body and its "guardian system" to fight off potential health-limiting "invaders." It has been used by health advocates as a regenerating tonic, particularly following illness or surgery. I believe chlorella should be an integral part of every blood building and liver support program.
Chlorella serves as a natural antibiotic and anticarcinogen by inhibiting the development of toxic bacteria in the cells, especially in the colon. Chlorella is credited for helping people with high blood pressure, diabetes or hypoglycemia, PMS, menopause symptoms, anemia, gastritis, duodenal and gastric ulcers, and constipation. Chlorella also promotes cell growth and the healing of wounds.
Once called meadow trefoil or "three-leaved grass," red clover keeps "cropping" up for use as a medicinal herb. During the 1930's, red clover became popular as an anticancer remedy and is still recommended by many herbalists today for breast, ovarian, and lymphatic cancer patients.
Often prepared as a tea, most herbal references list red clover as a definitive blood purifying herb effective in many chronic and degenerative conditions. Red Clover is used extensively in the treatment of inflammatory skin conditions and psoriasis, childhood eczema, rheumatoid arthritis, and relief from bronchitis.
Alfalfa is a highly nutritive grass with a very deep root system, rich in carotenes, vitamin K (the blood clotting vitamin), chlorophyll, amino acids, octocosonal, and a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals. One of alfalfa's primary uses is to support the body in removing inorganic minerals from the blood and lymph fluids. (NOTE: For the greatest health benefits, it is very important to use a 100% fast-dissolving alfalfa powder made only from the delicate Leaves.)
Watercress is particularly high in vitamin A and calcium. Watercress also contains valuable amounts of vitamin C, potassium, iron, and manganese, and traces of virtually every B vitamin. Many herbalists recommend watercress as a blood purifier. Studies show that watercress enhances metabolism and the nervous system, including the regulation of autonomic functions. Watercress is excellent for use with people who are easily exhausted or are facing long-term chronic problems.
This interesting plant has its origin in Tibet, where it has been used in medicine for more than 2,000 years. In small quantities, rhubarb is an aperitive, a gentle tonic bitter, a liver and colon cleanser, an antiseptic, and a healer for stomach and duodenal ulcers. With continued use in larger dosages, rhubarb acts as a mild laxative. Rhubarb is often added to liver/gall bladder remedies to help enhance the choleretic and cholekinetic effects.
The beet is a well-researched therapeutic cleanser, particularly for the kidneys. Beet root aids in liver and spleen functioning by cleansing toxicwaste and encouraging healthy blood cell formation.
French researchers have reported that betaine and the red pigment betanin (an anthocyan from the flavonoid group), both found in beets, act on the methylation cycle of the liver cells, functioning as a methyl donor. This promotes the regeneration of liver cells and the conversion of triglycerides into transport fats. Beet root has been especially indicated for fatty degeneration of the liver.
Beet root is one of the richest sources of natural plant iron and contains niacin, copper, potassium, folic acid, zinc, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin C. Beet/parsley juice is considered to be very helpful for women during their menstrual cycle.
Parsley's primary action is diuretic and has been shown to be effective in dealing with mercury poisoning by encouraging the active elimination of urine. Parsley is an excellent source of chlorophyll, Vitamin B, and potassium. Parsley also plays an important role in enzyme production in the body, particularly in bile, hydrochloric acid, and liver fluids. Parsley has a strong alkalizing effect on the body.
A member of the daisy family, milk thistle has a long history as a medicinal plant. Formerly regarded as mainly a bitter, the milk thistle plant is now recognized as one of the best remedies for liver complaints, particularly in conditions affecting the parenchyma, i.e. hepatitis.
In recent years, the active principle in milk thistle has been isolated and identified as a flavonol called silymarin which has been shown to stabilize the membranes of liver cells, thereby preventing the entry of viral toxins, drugs, and other toxic compounds. This is referred to as a liver parenchyma protective effect. Milk thistle is most effective when it is given as soon as possible following exposure to toxins, as in the beginning stage of hepatitis.
This leaf is very rich in vitamins, particularly A, C, and D, and potassium. Early researchers thought that dandelion's medicinal benefits were due to these vitamins.
Recently, it has been found that dandelion contains phytonutrients that act like enzymes. These phytonutrients strengthen the function of the large glands, especially the liver and kidneys, and activate cell metabolism. Most notably, dandelion has a diuretic effect on the kidneys, as well as a secretory (cholagogue) effect on the liver. As such, dandelion is useful in relieving water retention, especially when associated with high blood pressure, and is a good remedy for biliary complaints. Some research indicates that dandelion tea is useful in'washing out" kidney stones by increasing urine flow.
In Germany, dandelion has long been combined with milk thistle and rhubarb extracts as a remedy for biliary complaints that has hepatotropic properties and gently stimulates intestinal function. This makes dandelion suitable for all forms of gall bladder disease, particularly the symptoms accompanying "silent" gallstones.
In general, dandelion is considered one of the best liver and gall bladder tonics when there is congestion and jaundice.
Records indicate the Ginkgo tree has been around for approximately 200 million years. Ginkgo Biloba recently came into the health limelight in the 1989s when ginkgo was discovered to have a powerful action on the cardiovascular system, especially in the improvement of blood flow to the brain. Each of the studies I have read reports an increase in cerebral blood flow to the deeper-seated small and medium arteries which nourish the brain.
Several studies have shown ginkgo to be an herb of significant geriatric value. Ginkgo Biloba is credited with preventing and reversing many age-related conditions such as stroke, heart disease, impotence, deafness, blindness, and memory loss. Ginkgo Biloba is commonly used today in Asia and Europe to treat dizziness, headache, ringing in the ears, depressions, and short attention spans.
Medical reporters have confirmed that people experience a reduction in mental stress, as well as improved emotional lability and mental stamina as a result of using ginkgo.
Dunaliella is a red algae with the richest source of natural carotenoids, containing approximately 23,800 mcg. of beta-carotene, 750 mcg. of alpha-carotene, 200 mcg. of cryptoxanthin, 150 mcg. of zeaxanthin, and 100 mcg. of lutein per gram of dried dunaliella algae.
Carotenoids are concentrated for utilization in several key areas of the body, including the adrenal glands, reproductive organs, pancreas, spleen, skin, and the retina of the eye. Depletion of these stores can result in disorders cropping up throughout the body, especially in your "guardian system."
Burdock is a member of the daisy family. The root of burdock is most often recommended by herbalists for purifying the blood and lymph of circulating toxins, removing metabolic waste products that tend to collect in the subcutaneous tissues beneath the skin, lowering toxicity and sluggishness in the digestive system, and relieving arthritic pain.
Blackcurrants are an excellent source of EFA (essential fatty acids), which are necessary for a host of metabolic processes throughout the body. Approximately 10% of the EFA in blackcurrants is the highly touted GLA (18:3 gamma linoleic acid). It is important that we take in enough GLA as the body is not able to manufacture it. The lack of adequate EFA and GLA in the diet has been linked to hair loss, dry skin, joint pain, decreased liver function, fatigue, nervousness, sexual dysfunction (including infertility), and increased susceptibility to infection.
GLA is required for the body's utilization of the PG1 series of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins activate a wide range of metabolic functions, including energy production and mental activity. PG1 prostaglandins enhance the utilization of insulin and may play an important role in preventing depression.
Clinical studies indicate that phosphatidylserine is a useful dietary tool for the metabolic support of memory, learning, and behavior.
Regular use of phosphatidylserine may increase your ability to:
Phosphatidyl serine is not abundant in common foods, making it limited in most diets. As a result, supplementation of phosphatidylserine is now being recommended by researchers of this promising product. Here is an excellent source: Neuro-Excel (Phosphatidyl Serine)
The above technical bulletin courtesy of Dr. Larry J. Milam, HMD.
Liver Enhancer balances blood sugar and fat metabolism. Nurtures and detoxifies the liver and protects the liver from damage associated with auto-immunity, inflammation, oxidation, alcohol, and infections such as hepatitis viruses. Helps heal psoriasis. Enhance, protect, and restore the function of your liver while balancing your immune system.
Kidney Enhancer a kidney tonic and anti-aging formula. This formula has been used for thousands of years to heal and nurture the kidneys. It promotes longevity and enhances vitality. It is good for chronic fatigue. These herbs fortify your blood, support adrenal function, enhance mental performance, darken hair, and moisten the body and skin.