Dietary Support for Balancing Blood SugarDiabetes affects 16 million people in the United States and is the fourth leading cause of death. Diabetes is also the principal cause of blindness in adults and is the most common cause of kidney failure. Neuropathy, artery disease, and premature aging are common conditions associated with chronically elevated blood sugar levels. Type II Diabetes, or non-insulin dependent diabetes, usually develops in adults over the age of 40 and affects 95% of the diabetes population. It occurs as a result of the decline in cell membrane insulin sensitivity that can be aggravated by the consumption of high-glycemic carbohydrates, obesity, lack of exercise, and the aging process. According to a recent study, the supplement Glucosol (Langerstoemia speciosa L.) may be a viable herbal alternative for the more than 15 million Americans suffering from Type II Diabetes. Researchers at Biomedical Research in Florida found that corosolic acid, the active ingredient in the supplement Glucosol, can safely lower blood glucose levels in Type II diabetics, or noninsulin dependent diabetics. Subjects who took the supplement over a 22-week period had a whopping 30 percent average drop in their blood glucose levels. Subjects also reported the disappearance of common symptoms associated with adult-onset diabetes--such as frequent thirst--and averaged a weight loss of 3.2 pounds a month. Corosolic Acid also delivers a strong antioxidant activity to scavenge free radicals and prevent cell membrane lipid peroxidation. For in-depth information on Glucosol and blood sugar, please visit Glucosol and Blood Sugar Balance En Espanol: Una respuesta herbolaria para aquellos que estan buscando controlar el peso y el azucar en la sangre. GlucoFit contiene Acido Corosolico estandarizado y encapsulado en una formulacion de gel suave que ha sido probada clinicamente para entregar resultados concluyentes. Solo una capsula diaria ayuda a bajar naturalmente el azucar en la sangre sin efectos adversos. El Acido Corosolico ha probado que puede bajar efectivamente el azucar en la sangre, aun cuando los sujetos son dependientes de la insulina. GlucoFit tambien realiza una fuerte actividad antioxi-ante, buscando radicales libres y previniendo la peroxidacion lipida. |