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ProCran with CranMax

Promotes Healthy Urinary Function

Being Reformulated


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New Spirit Naturals ProCran™ dietary supplement contains the first proven whole cranberry fruit extract (Cran-Max® 500 mg.) clinically studied to be beneficial for urinary tract health. In addition our product contains a cranberry extract (50:1) along with a prebiotic and four probiotic strains designed to support normal intestinal flora, urinary and bladder health and general well being.

Each 500 mg serving of Cran-Max® contains approximately 80-100 mgs anthocyanins including proanthocyandins. This special mix discourages harmful pathogenic bacteria from clinging to the mucosal cells lining the urinary tract and bladder which reduces the likelihood of infections.

Products complementary to ProCran:

Nutri-Fem for Women
Provides specific nutritional support for women's complex hormonal systems. Contains a rich complex of vitamins, minerals, glandulars and herbs designed to nourish the nervous system, eliminate excess fluid, and balance conditions like PMS, menopause, and menstrual problems.
Kidney Enhancer
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Kidney Enhancer is a kidney tonic and anti-aging formula. The Kidney Enhancer formula has been used for thousands of years to heal and nurture the kidneys. Kidney Enhancer promotes longevity and enhances vitality.
Probiotic Complex 10
Provides a complex of probiotic bacteria to support the digestive system. Probiotic Complex is a natural approach to chronic digestive disorders (constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, flatulence, bloating and the effects of prolonged antibiotic therapy). Each capsule contains over 2,000,000,000 (2 billion) organisms ready to begin the re-colonization process.

About ProCran for urinary health, especially for women

One of the secrets to its effectiveness is that it is enclosed in a special matrix shield designed to protect the integrity of the concentrated proanthocyandins(PACs) from being rapidly degraded by the acidic environment of the upper gastrointestinal tract. The uniqueness of this special matrix shield is that it is made from natural cranberry fiber. It can be considered a natural enteric coating that helps facilitate the absorption of intact bioavailable anthocyanins/PACs and to prolong their stability. When the product reaches the duodendum, the environment surrounding the shield matrix returns to a neutral state, allowing the matrix to relax and release the absorbed anthocyanins/ PACs to dissolve into the aqueous environment.

Benefits of our ProCran with Cran-Max

Why this particular Cran-Max® cranberry?

Each capsule contains 500mg of 100% whole cranberry from (fruit, fiber, skin and seed oil) concentrated extract plus a proprietary blend of probiotics, prebiotics and concentrated cranberry powder. Being a whole fruit, it contains the entire complement of natural bioactive components. In addition to the anthocyanins and proanthocyandins. Several healing benefits have been potentially ascribed to the presence of several natural occurring organic acids including ellagic, benzoic, shikimic, malic, hippuric, guinic and citric acid. Cran-Max® is the only supplement of this kind shown to contain ellagic acid. It is free of added sugars, artificial sweeteners and has been derived from Non-GMO and Non Irradiated material.

Potential Users

The information provided above is intended for educational purposes only. It is not meant to either directly or indirectly give medical advice or prescribe treatment. Unless specifically referenced, the information has not been validated or approved by the FDA or any government or regulatory agency. Please consult with your physician or other licensed health care professional for medical diagnosis, prescription, and treatment.

Naturalways nutritional products are exclusively designed and manufactured according to the highest standards by New Spirit Naturals.

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