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Glutamine Plus

Contains Glutamine & Magic Fiber CLR

Glutamine Plus is a pure L-Glutamine mixed with Magic Fiber CLR (A source of soluble fiber). Each serving of one rounded teaspoon contains 2000 mg of Glutamine and 1250 mg of Magic Fiber CLR. As this product has virtually no taste and mixes readily with water, we recommend mixing with water only. Do not mix with highly acidic sodas.

140 grams powder, 43 servings per bottle
Each serving (1 rounded tsp) contains: L-Glutamine 2000mg, Magic Fiber CLR 1250 mg
retail $39.95 / your cost $29.96
Glutamine Plus
green bar

What is Glutamine?

What is Magic Fiber CLR?

Magic Fiber™ CLR is a soluble, clear, virtually tasteless dietary fiber. Magic Fiber is a clear, virtually tasteless dietary fiber that does not thicken when mixed with water or your favorite beverage or food. This extraordinary fiber is prepared by a patented enzymatic process that makes it particularly effective in providing bulk for the diet.

Glutamine Plus™ Usage

Post Surgery Patients
When individuals undergo an operation (such as removal of the gallbladder), There is an increased breakdown of skeletal muscle, a release of amino acids into the bloodstream, and a fall of glutamine levels in the skeletal muscles. When glutamine is used, the muscle breakdown rates are greatly diminished.

Athletes and Bodybuilders
Strenuous exercise may cause loss of muscle mass due to metabolic reactions that create a surplus of acid (acidosis). This excessive acid, in turn, triggers a breakdown of muscle and the release of glutamine, allowing glutamine to donate an essential molecule to neutralize the positive charge of the acid in the kidneys. Supplemental glutamine can prevent acidosis and reduce muscle breakdown.

Intestinal (Digestive System) Repair
The cells that line the gastrointestinal tract take lots of abuse from food breakdown, the release of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and the development of waste products and toxins. The lining of the small intestine is known as the mucosa. The mucosa is composed of fingerlike projections called villi, where the actual intestinal cells, the enterocytes, are located. The enterocytes are some of the most rapidly multiplying cells in the body. The primary nutrient for these cells is glutamine.

During illness, the demand for energy by the intestines increases dramatically. This demand causes muscle breakdown into amino acids. Through this action and the enzyme glutamine synthetase, glutamine is formed. When the normal supply of glutamine is lowered, the components of the mucosal barrier falter. When the barrier (mucosal) fails and becomes permeable, or “leaky”, this allows organisms and toxins to escape though the intestinal wall. This passage through the gut wall is known as bacterial translocating. If the immunological cells do not capture these bacteria, the bacteria are picked up by the circulatory system and transported throughout the body.

Products complementary to Glutamine Plus for digestive health:

Phyto Opti-Zymes
Phyto Opti-Zymes is a food grade multi-enzyme formula containing a powerful combination of Proteases and Carbohydrases such as Alpha Amylase, Beta Amylase, Cellulase, Lactase, Sucrase, and Maltase, plus high activity acid stable proprietary Lipase.

Probiotic Complex-10
Provides a complex of 10 beneficial probiotic stains to support the digestive system. Probiotic Complex is a natural approach to chronic digestive disorders (constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, flatulence, bloating and the effects of prolonged antibiotic therapy). A blend of 10 beneficial probiotic strains, including L. Acidophilus, L. Bifidus, L. Rhamnosus, L. Plantarum, L. Salivarius, B. Longum, L. Bulgaris, B. Lactis, L. Casei, and L. Bravis (All lactose free).

Magic Fiber
Magic Fiber™ CLR is a soluble, clear, virtually tasteless dietary fiber. Magic Fiber provides 11 grams of soluble, clear, virtually tasteless dietary fiber per serving that does not thicken when mixed with water or your favorite beverage or food. This extraordinary fiber is prepared by a patented enzymatic process that makes it particularly effective in providing bulk for the diet.

Nutri Cleanse
Nutri Cleanse is an all natural, gentle herbal colon cleanser. Nutri-Cleanse was developed to help re-establish a healthy colon and provide dietary fiber. Nutri-cleanse works gently and naturally to cleanse, heal, and nourish our lower digestive track.

Jerusalem Artichoke Flour with Probiotics (JAF)
Helps to restore a healthy lower intestinal tract. JAF is particularly helpful for people suffering from Candida problems. Contains 8 million Bifido Bacterium per serving.

Detox Plus™
Detox Plus™ is designed to boost the body's ability to rid itself of toxins created by poor dietary choices, poor digestion, environmental toxins and metabolic waste.

Long Periods of Stress and Not Eating
There are occasions when people are unable to eat for extremely long periods of time because of an illness such as inflammatory bowel disease, chemotherapy, or radiation. Under these conditions, the ability of the intestine to maintain itself starts to wane. Because demand exceeds supply, the level of Glutamine in the blood begins to fail. Cell replication becomes much slower, muscle is significantly wasted, and the intestines severely atrophy. Recovery time is prolonged.

Radiation and Cancer Therapies
Chemotherapy works against cancerous growth by destroying rapidly growing cells. However, chemotherapy attracts and destroys not only cancer cells but also cells of the intestinal tract, which are the fastest growing cells in the body. This accounts for nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea suffered by people who are being treated for cancer. Radiation has a similar effect and is toxic to the gastrointestinal tract, especially at high doses. Animal studies have shown that Glutamine helps protect the intestinal lining during treatment. (4 to 8 grams per day in divided dose.)

Stomach Ulcers and Diarrhea
Japanese scientists have discovered that Glutamine is an effective anti-ulcer agent for the stomach. In other studies, they discovered they could enhance the healing of peptic stomach ulcers by giving test subjects oral Glutamine.

Glutamine has also been found to be important in diminishing the loss of electrolytes and water from the intestines during diarrhea. Glutamine could help enhance water and salt intake into the body and could help lessen diarrhea. Glutamine has also been found to be an important nutrient for the large bowel (the colon) and can provide fuel to maintain the normal function of the mucosal lining cells of the colon.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Colitis, Crohn's and Short Bowel Syndrome
Studies have shown that these groups of people may benefit from glutamine supplementation along with special high fiber, low fat diets.

The AIDs virus may directly affect the cells of the gastrointestinal mucosa, causing secondary infections from other bacteria and diarrhea with the loss of lots of water from the body. These individuals may consider very high doses of glutamine (up to 40 grams) per 24 hours. Of course, any supplementation should be under the care of their doctor.

Liver Support
The liver is both a glutamine producer and a glutamine consumer. The liver rids itself of excess nitrogen in the form of ammonia in two ways: 1) It uses the nitrogen to form urea and, ultimately, excretes it as urine. 2) It also attaches the nitrogen to the amino acid glutamate to form glutamine. Glutamate is combined with cysteine and glycine to manufacture glutathione, the body's number one antioxidant.

Fatty Livers
When there is an over abundance of calories (such as high carbohydrate diets), or when there is partial fasting and rapid liberation of fat from the body's fat stores (as occurs with severely restricted weight loss diets), the liver becomes choked with fat. Such a liver is called a fatty liver. The liver has taken up too much fat and cannot get rid of it. It becomes enlarged and shows signs of dysfunction that show up when liver tests are performed. Scientists have discovered that the formation of a fatty liver can be prevented by the addition of glutamine to the diet.

Auto-Immune Diseases
People with an auto-immune disease, like rheumatoid arthritis, have a 50% greater production of cytokines in circulating cells of their blood than do people without an auto-immune disease. They often have chronic pain at the site of inflammation and increased muscle wasting from cytokine production or from the steroids used to treat their conditions. It has been shown that glutamine, by contributing to the production of glutathione, is able to stop the production of cytokines when they are being synthesized in amounts harmful to the body.

Other Uses
Glutamine can protect the stomach somewhat from gastritis caused by NSAIDS. Small quantities of glutamine may help individuals with depression (250 to 1000 mg). Glutamine may have some potential for curbing addiction to alcohol. (Studies done at 1000 mg per day).

Glutamine is being used at the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston to help heal mouth sores and oral mycositis (inflammation of the skin of the mouth), and ease the pain of cancer. The general recommendation is approximately 5,000 mg with water. Patients swish the solution around in the mouth for a few seconds and then swallow.

How To Use Glutamine Plus

There is no single recommended dose of glutamine. Generally 4 to 8 g /day are used in divided doses for people under increased stress because of dieting, heavy exercise, flu, diarrhea, upper gastrointestinal problems, such as stomach ulcers, or for intestinal bowel problems.

Glutamine should be taken with room temperature water, as heat destroys glutamine. Glutamine can also be taken with food at room temperature, but not mixed with highly acidic products like vinegar. (Applesauce is okay.)

Restrictions and Contraindications

Some people should not take glutamine. It should probably not be used by patients with chronic renal failure (kidney disease). Patients with liver disease, especially severe liver disease, should not use glutamine without their doctor's recommendation. Patients with severe cirrhosis of the liver, Reye's Syndrome, or certain other metabolic disorders should not use Glutamine.

Note: Glutamine is being given to cancer patients, but should be done so under closely supervised conditions by their doctor.

Note: For people prone to constipation. glutamine should be taken with soluble fiber (oat bran, apple pectin, high fiber cereals, or Magic Fiber ™ CLR). Soluble fiber prevents water from being reabsorbed into the body from the colon and rectum, counterbalancing the effects that glutamine has on transporting water. Glutamine Plus™ contains Magic Fiber™ CLR in every serving.

General Note: For every 1 g of Glutamine ingested, 1 g of protein intake may be subtracted from your diet. Protein foods include meat, chicken, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, and yogurt. Generally, elderly people should not take the same quantity of glutamine as younger people. Reduce the amount appropriately.


Glutamine has been used up to .75 g per kilogram of body weight. This is the equivalent of 68 g (68,000 mgs) for a 150 lb. person. No adverse effects have been noted. High levels like this should always be done under a doctor's supervision.